Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Joys of Fall

It's almost fall again and this one will still be crazy. Anthony started school today. He's in 7th grade already. That just seems crazy to me. He's in band still. Jazz band is likely as well. He is also back playing soccer again. I also am keeping busy. Getting ready for fall softball once again. Double headers as always.

 I'm still up in the air about school as of now. Part of me wants to go back and another part of me is kind of scared to. I know I want to further my education and career but I'm just so uncertain. Work is the same for me. Been in retail so long that the years just seem to blur. Another couple of months and it will be 7 years at my current place of employment. Time flies.

Laini is doing well. She is growing like a weed. She is already as tall as my niece Lexi and she doesn't turn 2 until November. Insane I say! Connie is still working at the same place. Same days I envy her. I don't know how she handles/juggles everything. She would say that that's what mom's do. I love her for it. She is everything to me. Well, I'll write more later. For now, I'm off to sleep.


  1. I can't believe Anthony is in Junior High! That doesn't seem possible! And yay for band and jazz band! That kept me out of trouble. (for the most part, haha)

    As for school, go for it. It's never too late. I would just do lots of research on what you want to do, and talk to people that actually have the job you think you want. I really enjoy being a nurse, but I kind of wish I would have looked into other careers as well like a pharmacist. Just so I wouldn't be thinking "what if". And as for student loans, sometimes they are just an inevitability, like a house payment. The extra bill is worth it if you enjoy what you do and make more money doing it!

  2. I'm reading this ebook for work (The Power of Frustration by Catherine Pratt) & thought of you, and your recent blogs, when I came across this part:

    Doubt Ourselves
    When you are contemplating making a life change you will usually begin to doubt whether you are up for the challenge. Things can also seem a lot bigger and harder than they really are. The task seems overwhelming when we look at it in the big picture. We'll ask ourselves, "who do we think we are thinking we can do that?" "I can't do that. That's too much."

    If you want to achieve great things or even just achieve inner peace, sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and try something totally new. At least you will have tried. You will not have to live with the regret that you'll never know what you could have been if you'd been able to just take that one step forwards. Also, you will learn so much by trying different things. Even if you only end up learning that you don't like it, you have learnt more about yourself and where you want to go in your life. You will have new knowledge with which to use as stepping stones for the future. usually you realize afterwards that, "it wasn't anywhere near as bad as you thought it would be." You also have increased your self confidence in having another situation under your belt that you were able to handle successfully.
